SHEFFIELD - August 17, 2012 – MachineWorks Ltd, leading provider of CNC simulation and verification component software will be showing its latest advances in multi-axis simulation on stand number E-3331 at the IMTS exhibition in Chicago, from 10th to 15th September.

Seamless integration of Engines

The new version of MachineWorks, v7.2, is to be launched at IMTS. The most significant development in MachineWorks new release is the slick combination of its engines.

 MachineWorks now allows users to handle true swept volume surfaces for stock sampling. Thanks to the streamlining of our API's , MachineWorks engines can now operate independently or jointly, taking advantage of the best features of each one.

Constant Memory

In particular, the sampling technology can now be used as part of our full machine simulation, while true solid simulations can be carried out with much more control over memory usage. This memory usage is not dependant on the number of cuts in the toolpath but on the grid resolution representing the stock and we optimise the mesh to contain fewer polygons.

This means that the memory footprint will be roughly constant throughout the simulation.


A major reason for the development of our new engine was to take advantage of multi-core processors in order to achieve an appealing combination of performance and low memory consumption. Thanks to extensive elements of internal multithreading to engines in the suite, customers can benefit from remarkable speed increases when running on multi-core CPUs.

“Many of our customers wanted to see faster 5-axis simulation in larger models, with MachineWorks' new family of engines we can handle large amounts of data while still running fast simulation”, says David Manley, Managing Director, “customers with multi-axis applications will be able to enjoy the benefits of our new release with negligible development effort.”

The combination of these two engines creates a powerful tool to overcome any type of machining job, not matter how complex, with accuracy and speed.

Solutions for defective STL

MachineWorks will also be displaying its recently-launched software solution, Polygonica, which includes capabilities for solid healing. Built-on MachineWorks' proven core technology, Polygonica automatically closes solids and fixes self-intersections. The new toolkit also provides useful functions for STL manipulation such as slicing, geometry simplification and Boolean operations.

See MachineWorks at IMTS 2012, Stand E-3331

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